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Who are we:


Maria Helena Facirolli Sobrinho



Teófilo Henrique Pereira de Paula


Ludmila Macedo Correa


Lucas Campos Pinha


Cid de Oliva Botelho Junior


Paulo José Saraiva


Roberto Salvador Santolin



Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro – UFRRJ

Instituto Três Rios - ITR

Departamento de Ciências Econômicas e Exatas – DCEEX

Grupo de Pesquisa Moeda e Desenvolvimento

The present project refers to the creation of the Bulletin of Economic Conjuncture ITR/UFRRJ within the scope of the research group “Moeda e Desenvolvimento”, housed in the Department of Economic and Exact Sciences of the ITR/UFRRJ. The enterprise in question aims to produce knowledge and make information available on the national and local economic situation.

The relevance of this project consists in the dissemination of analyzes of the economic situation among students, teachers, technical-administrative employees and the external public. In parallel, the preparation of the material and the periodic presentation will be important elements to deepen the knowledge of macroeconomics and regional economics of the teachers and students included in the group. Furthermore, the survey of economic indicators in Três Rios will create a database that can potentially serve as a basis for local development programs.








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